Carpet beetles are one of the most difficult pests to control in an indoor environment because they can find food in hard-to-reach places and spread out widely throughout a building. A combination of sanitation and exclusion is necessary for successful control. Treatments with insecticides are unnecessary if sanitation and exclusion are successful.
Carpet beetles frequently enter homes via landscape flowers. There should not be alarm over a few adult beetles in the house. Management is only required if you discover larvae developing in your home's fabrics or other areas.
A monitoring program utilizing sticky traps baited with an appropriate pheromone—a chemical attractant that an organism produces to attract others of the same species—is recommended whenever carpet beetles pose a threat to products in commercial warehouses or storage areas.
In homes with severe infestations, sticky traps can also be used. Beetle origins can be identified by placing traps throughout a building. The traps can also be used to check how well control methods are working. Once or twice a week, check the traps.
Pheromone traps can also be used to complement other methods of control by attracting adult male beetles to small, restricted areas. Additionally, there are pheromone-free sticky traps available; To catch adults that fly to windows, set these traps on the windowsill. Retail establishments sell plain, sticky traps. Pheromone-baited sticky traps can be purchased from distributors of pesticide supplies, local pest control companies, and online retailers. Because pheromone traps are specific to a species, it is essential to use one that draws the species that is causing your issues.